SCRAM CAM Provides Accountability and Encourages Compliance
Like a breathalyzer for the ankle, the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM) bracelet provides 24/7 transdermal alcohol testing for hardcore drunk drivers, high-risk alcohol and domestic violence offenders. By automatically sampling the wearer’s perspiration every 30 minutes, the SCRAM CAM bracelet eliminates testing gaps and encourages accountability. SCRAM CAM not only supports sobriety but also results in higher compliance rates with court orders and increases community safety.
Continuous alcohol monitoring is proven to support long-term behavior change and complements treatment for alcohol dependence or addiction. In fact, SCRAM CAM helps more people achieve more Sober Days—a 24-hour period in which a monitored client has no confirmed consumption of alcohol and no confirmed attempt to tamper or circumvent testing.

How SCRAM CAM Tests Alcohol Through the Skin
When someone drinks alcohol, much of it is absorbed and metabolized in the body, but about 4% of it is excreted through the lungs and kidneys, and 1% through the skin in the form of insensible perspiration. SCRAM CAM tests that insensible perspiration using an electrochemical fuel cell by sampling the wearer’s sweat every 30 minutes. Watch the video below to learn more about how SCRAM Alcohol Monitoring works.
The Scram Cam System
The SCRAM CAM bracelet automatically transmits testing data to the SCRAM Wireless Base Station, where it is stored and uploaded to our online monitoring software, SCRAM Optix™. As soon as an alert is generated, our team of trained analysts review the event and report any violations to the supervising authority.
24/7 Monitoring Means No Missed Tests
Continuous, automated monitoring eliminates the opportunity to drink around test schedules.SCRAM CAM can also detect alcohol from environmental sources, providing courts with confidence in the accuracy of test results.
Call (352) 658-0405 to get started.